IL-CONTACTA-FSM - Field Strength Meter
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List Price £963.99 incl. VAT

Field Strength Meter

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Product Description

The Contacta IL-CONTACTA-FSM Field Strength Metre is an essential for installers of induction loop systems, or verifying professional induction loop systems that should be complying with BS EN 60118-4, (which is all loop systems)!

The IL-CONTACTA-FSM allows you to check background noise levels in the listening space which should be done before the loop system is installed. This is a requirement of the current British Standard it also saves time and effort installing a loop system if the end result will not be acceptable to the end user.

The Field Strength Metre will provide you with a means to completely check the loop system field’s strength and is an invaluable tool to help you confirm the system you have installed is fully compliant. As well as identifying potential issues with the system that can be relayed to the building management so that they can advise their service users of any potential black spots in the in the system.
  • Accurate and easy to read
  • Flat spectrum output
  • Simple button operation
  • Headphone output
  • Based on the IEC 60118-4 specification
  • Reliable
Measurement range -54dB to +9dB
Flat response +/- 1bD between 50Hz and 10kHz
Dimensions 239(H) x 91.4(W) x 27.9(D)mm
Resolution 0.1dB
Calibration Calibrated at 1,000 Hz (sine) to read 0 dB at 5.03 mG
Display 16x2 LCD Character Display
Power 9v Alkaline battery, 5.8-14v
Weight (Net) 0.23kg
Weight (Gross) 0.10kg
  • UVDB Registered
  • PLASA Member
  • Member of BESA
  • BSI 9001
  • ISCE supporting member