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Wall Speakers

100v line and Low Impedance wallmount loudpeakers for voice and background music systems.
Ideal for indoor publuc address, marketing and background music applications.
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6W White Wallmount Loudspeaker
Part Number: WA06-165T

IC Audio - 6W White Wallmount Loudspeaker

The attractive, white surface-mounted cabinet speaker WA 165 is provided with a powerful 165mm full range speaker.
The attractive, white surface-mounted cabinet speaker WA06-165T is provided with a powerful full range speaker driver. The housing in soft-line design is made of high-quality, film coated MDF-woo...
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3, 2, 1W 100v Wall Speaker- Black
Part Number: WS203B

Inter-M - 3, 2, 1W 100v Wall Speaker- Black

Elegant voice and BGM wall speaker.
Inter-M's WS203B wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail sites, etc....
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3, 2, 1W 100v Wall Speaker - White
Part Number: WS203W

Inter-M - 3, 2, 1W 100v Wall Speaker - White

Elegant 3W 100v line voice and background music wall speaker.
Inter-M's WS203W wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail sites, etc....
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10, 5, 3W 100v Wall Speaker - Black
Part Number: WS210B

Inter-M - 10, 5, 3W 100v Wall Speaker - Black

Elegant 3W 100v line voice and BGM wall speaker.
Inter-M's new-design WS210B wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail site...
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10, 5, 3W 100v Wall Speaker - White
Part Number: WS210W

Inter-M - 10, 5, 3W 100v Wall Speaker - White

Elegant 10W 100v line voice and background music wall speaker.
Inter-M's new-design WS210W wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail site...
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30, 20, 10W 100v Wall Speaker - Black
Part Number: WS230B

Inter-M - 30, 20, 10W 100v Wall Speaker - Black

Elegant 30W 100v line voice and BGM wall speaker.
Inter-M's WS230B wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail sites, etc....
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30, 20, 10W 100v Wall Speaker - White
Part Number: WS230W

Inter-M - 30, 20, 10W 100v Wall Speaker - White

Elegant 30W 100v line voice and BGM wall speaker.
Inter-M's new-design WS230W wall speakers combine discreet styling and simplicity to provide an elegant voice/background music loudspeaker for use in offices, waiting rooms, cafeterias, retail site...
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