Description | NC302RXC |
Quiescent current | 0mA (none) |
Alarm current | Determined by the type of control equipment and number / type of field devices connected to the system. |
Indicators | Red Reassurance LED (lit constant for Standard calls, intermittently for Emergency calls). |
Controls | None |
Connections | SIG (Signal); -Ve (Negative); +Ve (Positive); IR (Secondary Infrared Input). SIG, MOM and RES are not used. |
Expansion connections | Can be connected to up to three NC302RXCS secondary infrared ceiling receivers to increase coverage. |
Onboard 6.35mm Remote Jack Socket | No |
Onboard Infrared Receiver | Yes. Will generate a Standard or Emergency Call when triggered by a compatible 800 Series infrared transmitter. |
Dimensions | 87 W x 87 H x 24 D mm |
Construction and finish | Black UV stable polycarbonate. |
IP Rating | IP41 |
Operating temperature | -5ºC to +40ºC. Max. relative humidity 95% non-condensing. |
Weight (Gross) | 0.62kg |
CIE-Group Ltd
3 Widdowson Close
Blenheim Ind. Est.
Nottingham NG6 8WB