2N 91550946 is a two-in-one, Touch Keypad & PICard-compatible RFID Reader Access Module for use as part of the
IP Verso Intercom Modular Door Entry System.
The 91550946 Module is equipped with a highly sensitive, capacitive touch digital keypad which enables access to a building via the entered PIN number or the RFID card reader.
The 91550946 offers compatibility with 2N's unique cryptographic solution PICard. PICard provides Protected Identity Credentials (PIC) built on the multi-application MIFARE® DESFire® technology.
Learn more about PICard here
2N Verso 91550946 Keypad & RFID Reader Verso Module can be used either within the same frame as the
9155101 or
9155101C Main Units, individually in it's own frame or with other Additional Function Modules in a multiple-Module Frame.
The brightness of the touchscreen can be adjusted to suit numerous locations and environments ensuring visibility even at night or in places with minimum lighting. A Silent alarm activation feature provides increased security.
The 91550946 is a component part of the
2N Verso Modular Door Entry range. This module can be used with the
IP Verso and
LTE Verso product range.